Archive for Trey

Michael Jordan’s Real Answers

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on January 20, 2010 by tr3yball

As many of you know, recently, Michael Jordan appeared on the Leno show and was asked 10 (really, like 20+) questions and he answered them all.

Again, I am a faithful MJ fan–what NBA fan isn’t? And with that said: Even though MJ answered each question, let’s take a look at what the REAL answers from Air Jordan should have been — In my humble and honest opinion…

*Disclaimer* The thoughts below are in no way, shape, or form thoughts of Michael Jordan aka His Airness aka Air Jordan aka 2-3 aka the G.O.A.T. rather of simply … me! (And besides, I can talk about someone I am a fan of, makes it easier, in fact!)

Sidenote–feel free to play the video above while going through this to follow along a bit easier… I find it much funnier when following along with the video!

Leno’s opening question: “What are you doing there in the “Bahamas?”

Jordan: I’m rich fool, why WOULDN’T I be here? — next question Jay.

Leno: “How many pairs of shoes do you own?”

Jordan: WITH the Nike Air on the back — or the below-quality, new-aged retros, it’s a difference!

Leno: “How often do you get a manicure and a pedicure?”

Jordan: Well, I have a great barber. — Was that your supposed to be REAL question Jay–how often do I get a haircut? If so, I get a haircut once a week or so.

Leno: ” … Have you ever asked anyone else for their autograph?”

Jordan: Of course, Jerry Krause, Reggie Miller, and all of them bad boys in Detroit. I also asked a few Knicks but they declined my request, respectfully.

Leno: “Trash talking is most popular where … ?”

Jordan: … in the Charlotte Bobcats arena, although, it has been less frequent this season.

Leno: “If you could meet anyone in the world … who would it be … dead or alive?”

Jordan: Martin Luther King –(respect)

Leno: “Do you ever use an alias?”

Jordan: Yeah plenty of them Jay… I have to use an alias because everyone knows who Michael Jordan is. I often go by the made up names of Jason Caffey, Bill Wennington, Scott Williams, and Jud Buechler just to name a few –with all due respect.

Leno: “Can you still dunk”

Jordan: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..I plead the fifth

Leno: “Who is the worst golfer you ever played with?”

Jordan: Charles Barkley

Leno: “What is the oddest product anyone has ever asked you to be a spokes-man for?”

Jordan: … Does Soul Glo count… if so definitely them!!

Leno: “In 15 seconds, name all of the products you have ever endorsed … ”

Jordan: Fruit of the loom, Ford F-150 trucks, Ray Band, Burger King, Pepsi, Powerade, Puma, Activision, annnndd Spalding.


Yes, we have …

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on January 20, 2010 by tr3yball

Yes, we have already witnessed. I suppose my very first blog entry EVER in history –at the age of 24 soon to be 25 in June– would be the LeBron-MJ comparison, but we have been there, done that, right?

So, then I thought, maybe I could go on and on and on about my man-crush on Jordan –and his shoes, and his clothes, and his highlights– but I don’t want to come off as a guy with a “little sugar in his tank.”

So, for my first ever blog post on Tr3y’s court in Tr3y Arena, I dedicate this blog to all my fellow bloggers– yep, YOU people.

*Key Violins*

I have read over the past 5 or so years with great enthusiasm the blogs of the NBA world. I won’t drop names, but I will say THANK YOU for inspiring this particular chapter of my career — “The blogging years.”

Again, this is a first, quick blog entry, something short–simple, not too complex. I will dumb it down for the first few posts.

So, if you are an NBA blogger –or a sports blogger period — and have been for quite some time, then again, thank you for encouraging me to unleash my inner thoughts.

Who got next?
