(A)rtificial (I)ntelligence: Is Allen Iverson done?

Living in the DMV area during the mid-to-early 1990’s, Allen Iverson was thee name. At Georgetown during those years, Allen Iverson was the kid to watch, the player that amazed and captivated the area — and at the very least captivated the generation of my age, middle school at the time.

I was an instant fan!

Iverson got to the league and had one of the most famous cross-ups ever when the G.O.A.T. got in his stance at the top of the key and a small-bush Iverson got MJ on skates not once, but twice, than sank the jump shot. — Allen was here! He had arrived …

On Monday the Sixers  announced that Allen Iverson will be taking an indefinite leave of absence — and for a more-than-decent reason, to care for his young daughter. But  now the question becomes is Allen no longer here, is he departing?

Will we ever see the guy who got Tyrone Hill more camera time than he deserved. (And Tyronn Lue, too, for that matter)

Will A.I. ever be in another NBA uniform again?

What will Iverson’s legacy be 10-15 years from now?

It’s sad that at the end of a career such as Iverson’s that people will be left with questions, yet no, well … ‘Answer’

I just don’t understand how a guy who has put together a career such as Iverson, comes to a crumbling legacy. But maybe it’s not for me nor you to understand.

Everyone always thought that they could understand A.I., but in a world where the mis-understood is more common-place than not, everyone probably is just filled with a different type of A.I. … including myself.


2 Responses to “(A)rtificial (I)ntelligence: Is Allen Iverson done?”

  1. Great artice!! I don’t know a lot about basketball but I can see why you love the sport soo much.
    Glad to see you doing something you love.

  2. Nice read. A.I was/is a great individual talent, but that began to hurt as he aged and couldnt adjust to a more team-oriented play-style. Father time defeats even the greatest contenders. I feel what also hurt his career is his attitude towards playing the game. Times have changed, and I think it was hard for him to accept that he was/is not the same player and go-to-guy that he once was

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