KB24 going for the Logo’s record! (In Boston)

So, Mr. Bean needs 48 points to become the L.A. Lakers all time leading points leader to pass the logo himself, Mr. Jerry West.

How fitting that Mr. future HOFer will be meeting the Celtics this Sunday, the team that the Lakers are forever linked with, in heated rivalry match-ups from years past and most recently two years ago in the NBA Finals.

So, with that said, does anyone but me think that this is setting up to be the perfect storm? Lakers all-time leading points getter up for grabs, against the Celtics, IN Boston. I wonder if ‘Beat-L.A.’ chants will be met with ‘M-V-P chants’ in Beantown?

Here is what I see going down in the game tomorrow:

First quarter:

‘Pass first, get my teammates involved” quickly went out the window with the possible history-in-the making scenario. Kobe puts up 3 shots in the first 5 possessions for the Lakers only knocking down one of them .. a base-line fade away.

Throughout the quarter, it is clear and present that Bean is out to get 47+, and everyone knows it.

Kobe continues to press the issue, clanking a few off the rim, but for the most part he is going after it and finishes the quarter with 11 points, playing the entire period.

Second quarter:

Kobe starts the quarter on the bench as the Zen Master wants to give Mr. 24 a rest, but the Bean is ‘itchy’ to get back in the game. The Celtics are keeping it close, without ever holding a lead, so Kobe getting big minutes may be in play.

He gets back in the game, and blows in his fist –a sign that he may be ‘feeling it’ — and goes back to work immediately.

His first shot he puts up is a straight-on three-pointer, and then he comes right back down court and does the ‘Sweep through, pull up move’ and goes to the line after drawing a foul.

A quick 5 points, and Kobe is at 16 by mid quarter.

Kobe enters the half with 19 points, 28 points shy of tying the record.


My name is KOBE (Kobe) — this is my game (game) — I need to score (score) to ease my pain (pain) …

Third quarter

Mr. Bryant comes out guns blazing (No Arenas) and hits his first 4 shots on 6 Laker possessions, 2 of which are threes … and is quickly to 29 points in the blink of an eye. (18 points shy of tying, 19 shy of breaking)

The Celtics look confused, and dazed, and start to star-watch, much of what many of the Lakers do on an every-day basis.

Even with that, Rondo is in a battle, of sorts, with Kobe as he already has 20 points and 7 assists keeping the Celtics in the game.

Kobe finishes the quarter with 31, 16 shy.

*between quarter convo with Kobe and Zen*

Kobe, do you need the normal fourth-quarter break? — Kobe walks away onto the floor without saying a word .. –convo over–

Fourth quarter:

Somehow, this has turned into the Kobe vs. Rondo show .. Rondo hits a random three, yes random, and Kobe answers with a three of his own (13 shy)

Rondo does his usual behind the back fake pass, and lays it up, and then Kobe does his normal twirl-around-show-the-footwork-pump-fake-draw-the-foul move.. two free throws (11 shy) …

Dull in action until about 5 minutes remaining … and the Lakers have pulled away from the Celtics — green light (or purple light) for Kobe to go HAM/CHICKEN/TURKEY on the Garden .. or whatever they call that arena.

Kobe from the baseline–BANG– … Kobe from the elbow– BANG .. Kobe fade-away BANG … 5 shy with 3 minutes remaining …

On a secondary fast break … Kobe pulls up for three, mid-transition .. BANG .. 2 shy ..

With 2 minutes remaining .. Kobe posts up some random Celtic off the bench.. fade-away BANG.. ties Jerry west.

M-V-P M-V-P M-V-P … buzz is around the arena, no one has left because they want to see history …

Now, with 30 seconds left, Kobe pulls up from the angle for a three-pointer– 50! AND THE RECORD …

Que-post-game headline …

BEAN gets it in BEANTOWN!

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